Christmas volumetric card - Christmas tree


To get started, we need colored velvet paper, plain paper of any two colors (white and green in the example), scissors, a pencil with a ruler, glue stick, jewelry and sparkles.

Stripes are drawn with pencil on sheets of plain paper in two colors, the distance between which is about 1.5-2 cm.

Stripes are cut along the lines.

Then two strips are taken simultaneously and stacked together. After you need to make cuts along the entire length.

Then we take these cut double strips and twist. Get a little roll. The tip of it must be glued with glue with a pencil, so that it does not unwind back.

Then, with your fingers, gently and evenly crush the cut ends in different directions, making a unique flower out of the roll.

Such flowers need to be made at least 10 pieces, depending on the size of your Christmas tree. In this case, two colors close to New Year's are used. The tree itself is built from them. Spruce-shaped flowers are glued onto colored velvet paper.

Next, decorate your Christmas tree. This is done on your own. You can use glitter hairspray or just apply dry shadows. A star can be attached to the top of the head; an elegant bow is used as an example. Since this is a New Year card, congratulations can be written from behind.
