The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil


I became interested in the kind of applied, very ancient folk art "Vytynanka" for quite some time, back in 1992. Then Ukraine was just beginning to take its first steps towards the revival of culture and national identity. Many forgotten customs, rituals and forms of art began to "step out" from oblivion onto the "scene" of real modern life.
Having read a lot of insinuating and meager descriptions of this technique, in which the first thing that was written was the words: “You all cut out snowflakes for the New Year as a child. These were your first poppies ...”
But about the technology itself, naturally - very, very little. Fate brought with one woman, a professor, an artist. In a conversation, I accidentally expressed my interest and concern about the futility of attempts to find materials on the technique of punching.
On the same day, for a week, I received books and magazines. A month later, I already taught optional labor lessons in elementary school, accustoming children to the original national form of applied art.
To work, you just need a few sheets of multi-colored paper, a pencil, an eraser, small scissors (preferably manicure) and glue.
Ah, yes: more imagination, perseverance and great desire.
Sketches for work, you can draw yourself or shoot using tracing paper or carbon paper from books or magazines. But the point is to create something of your own, original. Therefore, I prefer to draw small sketches, enlarge them and, only then, transfer them to a sheet of paper folded exactly in half.
It is necessary to cut carefully, two sides at the same time, since the pattern in the traditional vytyanka, identical, symmetrical on both sides. This is already a modern technique of execution - asymmetric and arbitrary. When cutting, try to rotate the sheet, and not twist your hand with scissors, so the result will be much more accurate.
The finished work should be ironed and glued to a sheet of paper or cardboard in a contrasting color.

The work presented today is made in the traditional technique of making a punch, the sketch and theme of the work are original, mine. I called this tynanka "The tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil."
