How to make imitation of natural stone on concrete


To give a concrete product (balusters, poles, bowls, supports for garden benches, etc.) a more noble look, you can use one simple method that is available to everyone.

In this review, the author tells how to make an imitation of natural stone on concrete (using the example of a large concrete bowl with a stand).

How to make such a decorative bowl with your own hands, you can see in this review.

To make an imitation of natural stone on concrete, you need white paint, dark pigment dye, water, a special waterproof glue and a brush.

The main stages of work

First of all, it will be necessary to mix white paint (for outdoor use) with a dark pigment dye, and dilute it slightly with water. The resulting composition is coated with pre-primed concrete surface.

Then spray on the painted surface of the bowl and stand drops of pigment dye. This can be done with a wide brush.

After that, when dark drops have dried on the concrete, we spray the white paint in the same way. And we get the effect of natural stone. It looks quite realistic.

The last stage is the application of 1-2 layers of waterproof glue on the concrete surface, which is specifically designed for waterproofing concrete.

For details on how to make an imitation of natural stone on concrete, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: Artificial stone production PArt 1 (October 2024).