Decorative wall decoration for travertine from ordinary putty


Using decorative plaster travertine, which imitates natural stone, you can make the interior more original and unique. That's just worth decorative plaster is not cheap.

However, you can make a budget option for wall decoration for travertine, using conventional putty. True, it is worth noting that the labor costs in this case will be more.

And first of all, we cover the surface of the wall with soil diluted with color. In this case, the author uses two colors: brown and black.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, we evenly draw walls on blocks with a height of about 40-45 cm. We glue the seams between the blocks with masking tape.

To simulate the texture, the author uses the simplest and cheapest material - start and finish putty. Mix it all together.

After that, we apply the modeling mass on a wall surface with a uniform layer. Next, using a special brush, make "notches."

After the putty has dried out a little, the author takes the usual spatula-spatula, moistens it in water and smooths the texture with a light touch.

We give the surface a little dry, and then smooth it with a clean trowel-trowel. The next day, after everything has dried, we pass the plane, the corners with the skin, and smooth out the irregularities.

Finishing work

We roll the wall surface with a deep penetration primer, and then apply a layer of acrylic varnish to facilitate further tinting.

In a separate container, you need to tint the acrylic varnish (the author adds a little brown and black tint), adding a small amount of water. Then we wipe the surface of the wall with a cloth moistened in a previously prepared solution.

For details on how to decorate walls under travertine from ordinary putty, see this video.


Watch the video: ШПАКЛЕВКА + пигмент = ПОЛИРОВАННЫЙ травертин2019 (October 2024).