How to light a fire with a bottle


A man for his entire existence has simply come up with a huge number of ways to make fire without matches or lighters. Here, for example, one of them is available: how to use a bottle to light a fire using solar energy. The method is quite working for both glass and plastic bottles.

You will need:

  • Water bottle.
  • Dry grass.
  • Bark from a thin tree.
  • Green leaf.

Kindle the fire with a glass bottle

With a dry stick, which can be found without problems not only in the forest, with a knife you need to cut off the whole bark in a circle.

Everything should be dry.

Next, we need dry grass and a green leaf from the tree.

Roll dry grass tightly into this green leaf. Technology like a cigar.

Next, insert this "twist" into the "case" from the bark. It turned out a kind of thermos for heat.

We take a bottle (by the way, a plastic one is also suitable) and fill it with clean water. Then, like a magnifying glass, we catch sunlight, trying to focus a concentrated light point on dry grass. This should be done in the area of ​​the neck, as it has a rounded shape.

And after a while the smoke will come up.

It remains only to fan the smoldering into an open flame, and this is not at all difficult.

Of course, as you already guessed, you must have the sun, on a cloudy day this method will not help. But you still need to take it into service. After all, anything can happen in life.
